Discipline can be a challenge at any level weather it is elementary school or high school. Teachers and administrators are faced with many challenges. Included in this summery is an interview with the Merkel Elementary Principle as well as the Merkel high school principle. These two principles share some of their insight into special education and the disciple challenges they face. 1.Mrs. Woolard- Young students can get distracted easily and there is always the possibility of the class being disrupted.
Mr. Allen- One issue we have in the high school is how to handle a disruptive student who can become a potential danger to him or herself as well as the teachers and students in school. This does not happen very often …show more content…
but it is something we have to be aware of .
2.Mrs. Woolard-Many times it is simply getting students to participate in the lesson.
Mr. Allen-For those that have a behavior problems you never know when they will have an outburst and disrupt the whole class.
Woolard- When a student violates the rules at school teachers and administrators will consider each violation and determine the best action to take.
Mr. Allen-Unless the behavior that caused the discipline problem is the directly related to the child 's disability, the student will receive the same discipline that a regular education student would receive.
4.Mrs. Woolard-No not at the elementary level.
Mr. Allen-Not to my knowledge, I think that the regular education students probably think that the special education students get special treatment because of being out of class so much.
5.Mrs. Woolard- Yes, we explain the discipline procedures to our parents in the IEP meetings
Mr. Allen-Yes, When the students are behavioral the discipline is discussed at their IEP meeting. Their BIP is discussed.
6.Mrs. Woolard- If there is a student with behavior problems many times the regular education students parents do not like this because it takes the teacher away from teaching the other students. They also feel there is a safety issue.
Mr. Allen- Most parents do not have a problem with the difference in discipline, if there is a problem we try to explain to the parent why special education students are sometimes disciplined differently from regular education …show more content…
7.Mrs. Woolard- The Texas department of education makes sure schools are following IDEA guidelines.
Mr. Allen- The administration and school board work together with our teachers to establish a good support system that promotes policies and plans that help our special needs students grow towards their academic success. The principals at the high school and elementary are both focused and concerned about all of their students.
They both work hard to make sure that the special education students as well as the regular education students are treated fairly. When it is necessary for discipline actions to be taken the school must follow the IDEA regulations. At both campuses students with disabilities have an IEP which has been developed especially for that one student. The IEP determines the students placement, but it also outlines what steps can be taken when the student violates school rules. The school can impose a suspension on students with disabilities for a short time as long as the same actions are taken when students that do not have disabilities violates a school
rule. Doe v. Koger is a federal case in Indiana that was overturned, a student with a disability was expelled from school because of disruptive behavior, but his disruptive behavior was caused by his disability. In Merkel students with disabilities can be expelled as long as their behaviors are not directly connected to their disability. If needed students with disabilities can be placed in a more restrictive classroom as long as IDEA regulations are followed. Discipline is always going to be controversial weather it is for special education students or regular education students. School discipline is difficult for school administrators at any level of education. Public schools need to have authority to take action and establish and maintain a positive and productive learning environment where all students can learn.
Osborne Jr. A. G & Russo, C. J.(2007). Special Education and the Law. Thousand Oaks Ca:
Crowin Press.
Lecture notes Module 7