The Crystal Cave is a novel portrayed through the life of a young boy named Merlin whom throughout the story changes into a man. His life as a young boy was harsh, complicated, and different. However, his life changes when he is introduced to his father Ambrosius, the King of Lesser Britain. Merlin's maturity was driven by the people in his surroundings, such as his grandfather, Galapas, and his father whom all made him into the man he became. As a young boy, Merlin lived with his mother in his grandfather's palace in Maridunum. Merlin's life in his grandfather's palace was harsh in such a way that he was not like the other young boys surrounding him. He was extremely intelligent and at the time, maybe too smart for his own good. However, his grandfather and other figures of authority in the palace would critique him because he was not a "normal" child. He was not the type to become a soldier to defend his …show more content…
country, which was often what was expected of a young boy. Rather, Merlin enjoyed spending time with nature and the outside life, studying, and learning the wings of the world. Because of this, his grandfather and others often called him a devil's child because of the way he looked and acted. His grandfather's actions towards Merlin made him the brilliant young boy he became. His life in Maridunum with his grandfather was harsh, complicated yet it was a turning point in his maturity levels because of the way he was treated. Even though Merlin lived a complicated life in Maridunum, there was a place he could be at peace with himself.
Merlin would often travel to the cave to meet with Galapas, whom at the time lived in the cave. Merlin came across the cave one day while traveling about in the woods. Merlin met Galapas and they bonded quickly because of their like interests in the ways of the world. Galapas became a major role in Merlin's maturity due to the high content of material he instructed Merlin. Merlin and Galapas met for a few years and during the times they met Galapas taught Merlin such things like human anatomy, animal anatomy, medicine, etc.. Galapas became a major driving force behind Merlin's maturity because he taught Merlin such things that a young boy would not normally know, such as medicine. At the time, Merlin knew such a majority he could become a doctor at the age of fourteen. Galapas made Merlin want to become more wise in the way of the world, he drove Merlin towards becoming a
naturalist. Merlin's life was always complicated and he was treated different from everyone else in Maridunum. He lived a harsh life; however, things changed in the novel when Merlin met his father, Ambrosius. Ambrosius was the King of Lesser Britain, therefore, Merlin was a prince. Life at his father's castle was unbelievably better for Merlin. He was treated like a prince and he was waited on hand and foot. Merlin's father became a driving force in his maturity levels during his teenage years. Merlin learned a great deal from his father, such as Ambrosius' great leadership skills. He taught Merlin what it was like to be respected. Merlin discovered different religions and his father quickly explained their similarities and differences. While at his father's castle, Merlin became an engineer and progressed in his mathematics and different studies. Ambrosius was also a great role in Merlin's maturity because he showed Merlin a different life than what Merlin was used to. For the first time in Merlin's life, someone finally understood him and knew what he wished to accomplish in life, which led him to become the man he wanted to be. Throughout The Crystal Cave, different roles played different parts in Merlin's maturity. His grandfather despised him and rejected his wants and needs. Galapas quickly befriended Merlin and taught him many valuable lessons, and his father understood him and knew what his wished to do with his life. Each figure taught Merlin, whether it was good or bad, and showed him a different life. Merlin had experience, intelligence, and wisdom which are three overwhelming forces that drive ones' maturity.