Dahlia Magdy Abdal-Hakim This paper is an application of Merton's Anomie Theory of Deviance (1957) on August Wilson's play Fences. The present research is a sociological approach aims to analyze how the structural and the cultural factors of a society forces people to be under strain to accomplish goals. These factors play a crucial role shaping each character in the play along with their differences. In accordance with Merton's Anomie Theory of Deviance, choosing the word "Growing" within the paper's title reflects Merton's claims that, both of the structural and the cultural factors are two significant elements that cannot be apart from the concept …show more content…
Second, people can pursue the goals through unapproved methods like theft and fraud, and this is called Innovation. Third, when people reject both of the goals and the means and become nonconformists to the society by committing a crime, this is known as Retreatism. The fourth adaptation is when people give up on the goals and follow the means, Merton calls this Ritualism. Rebellion, is the fifth adaptation, it constructively involves the creation of new goals and new means of achieving these goals. If individual rebellions become widespread, revolutionary change could result. New goals would replace the existing goals and there would be new goals for people to either conform to or rebel against. This theory focuses on confusion in values and norms to accomplish the American Dream of each person. This confusion results from the conflict between the values and goals, material success, and the unequal access to the normative means for achieving