stones, and pottery to learn more about this structure and lifestyle. Later on, they find codices “a hand-painted book on bark paper or animal skins folded like a screen” (Price 305) to gather information. Decipherment of these accounts have allowed archaeologists to understand the social stratification in the Aztec culture as well as many others. Artifacts like these are important pieces evidence when trying to learn about Mesoamerica. Tenochtitlán was the capital of the Aztec Empire where the Aztecs moved to from their homeland Aztlan according to legend. “Tenochtitlán, which during the last years before Spanish conquest became the largest city in the history of prehispanic Mesoamerica.” (Price 306) . Social stratification was very prevalent at this site. Archaeologists are able to see this by looking at the buildings and houses that certain types of people were allowed to have. Macehaultin or Commoners lived in smaller neighborhoods and smaller houses. Pipiltin the Nobles were permitted to build and live in houses with second stories. Archaeology of Aztec sites like this show the same pattern of social hierarchy amongst the people that lived in them.
The Aztec society and many Mesoamerican cultures had a hierarchal system including Nobles, Commoners, and Slaves. The development of Social Stratification can be seen through artifacts and ancient sites found by archaeologists. It is important to study and understand these findings so we can know more about the cultures and civilizations that were striving before the European colonists arrived.