Pre Lab Questions: 4pts
1. What are the learning goals of this experiment?
To perform and observe the flame tests of some alkali and alkaline earth metal ion
2. Define ground state and excited state of an atom.
Ground state- normal configuration of the electrons about the atom or the ion of an element; stable particle electrons are at lowest possible energy level
Excited state- when stable particles are heated to very high temperatures some of the electrons leave their ground state and become “excited”; these electrons move to higher energy levels
3. What is flame test? Why do different metals produce different colors when you heat their solution?
Quick simple technique used to help identify particular metals by observing the color of the flame.
Different colors due to different energy levels.
1. Title:1 pt_______Identification of Metallic Ions________
2. Procedure (Steps 1-4): 4pts
1. Place 0.5 mL of each solution and the unknown into one of the wells in the well-plate and record which solution it put in which well.
2. Soak the end of the cotton swab into the Sodium Nitrate; light the burner and pass the soaked end of the cotton swab through the flame, about 6 quick passes, until the flame changes color.
3. Record color change and repeat for remaining solutions.
4. Put out the flame and clean up.
3. Observations (12 pts);
The color of the flame is expected to be as follows:
Metallic ion
Flame Color
Sodium Na+
Strontium Sr2+
Potassium K+
Lead Pb2+
Barium Ba2+
Copper Cu2+
Lithium Li+
Calcium Ca2+
Pinkish-red STRONTIUM
Note: Attach your picture showing the soaked cotton swab back and forth through the flame of the heat source (procedure #4)
1. Questions: Answer all the questions in order asked at the end of