Gregor states “On the contrary, as if there were no obstacle and with a peculiar noise, he now drove Gregor forwards. Behind Gregor, the sound at this point was no longer the voice of only a single father. Now it was really no longer a joke, and Gregor forced himself, come what might, into the door”. Gregor’s, father’s reaction was to get Gregor to his room as soon as possible without caring about the obstacles Gregor may face. In the first part of metamorphosis, you can see the family is …show more content…
Samsa’s reaction is to drive Gregor forcefully into his room without caring about the obstacles Gregor may have getting there.
Gregor states “There he remained the entire night, which he spent partly in a state of semi-sleep, out of which his hunger constantly woke him with a start, but partly in a state of worry and murky hopes, which all led to the conclusion that for the time being he would have to keep calm and with patience and the greatest consideration for his family tolerate the troubles which in his present condition he was now forced to cause them”. Gregor in his hungry state he could not fall asleep for all that, he could think of was that h must be considerate of his family’s tolerance towards the trouble he has caused them. In part two Kafka shows how a member of a corrupt