The main character of this story is a son named Gregor. This man, like most others during this time frame, sacrificed himself to work to help pay his father's debts instead of using the money to live on his own. Of course, Gregor's family never thought of how much he actually did for them and took advantage of him. Then the turning point of the story begins, Gregor becomes a giant insect and he can no longer work or even be seen by anyone else other than his family. This hurts the family financially and results in the father and sister finding jobs. As you can see, the mother did not work which also shows the link to the modern times of this era. Also, the point that the family took advantage of Gregor is a link the modern world and that people do not notice how important someone is until they are gone or incapacitated in some way.
After his transformation, Gregor is rejected by his family and they began to hide him because they were ashamed. They did not try to help him at all. This changed Gregor more from a man to the emotionless insect he had become. Any man wants to feel appreciated and wanted or even some gratitude for all the service he did to help support his family. This family did not express this though and this pushed him to feel