Professor Feindert
9 April 2014
A Psychoanalytical Criticism of The Metamorphosis The deeper meaning of “The Metamorphosis”, by Frank Kafka, can be interpreted in many ways depending on critical theory is used to examine it. From a feminist criticism, one can observe how Gregor’s dominance as a male diminishes after he becomes a bug as his sister’s strength and role in the family grows stronger. From a biographical criticism, one can compare and contrast the traits of Gregor and the people around him with that of Kafka’s own life and his relationships. However, the focus of this essay will be applying a psychoanalytical criticism to the characters in “The Metamorphosis”, using the studies of Sigmund Freud to approach the understanding of the story. If we look at the characters in “The Metamorphosis” as whole from a psychoanalytical point of view, the Samsa family as a whole can be seen as the mind and each member representing different components of it. The Mother represents the impulsive part of the mind that operates only along the lines of self pleasure and does not take into account of any consequences; the id. Gregor’s sister, Grete, represents the portion of the mind that aims for perfection by acting on morals and punishing misbehavior with feelings of guilt; the superego. The Father represents the logical portion of the mind that acts accordingly to reality in order to meet the needs of both the id and the superego in realistic ways; the ego. The mind as a whole, which consists of the Mother, Father, and Grete, will be tested throughout the story as they are under constant stress and pressure by the stressor: Gregor.
In “FREUD: A Very Short Introduction”, Anthony Storr describes Freud’s perceived structure of the mind; “Freud’s model of the mind consisted of three parts: ego, id, and superego,” (Storr). The id is described as primitive, unorganized, and emotional: ‘a realm of the illogical’ (Storr). In Freud’s own words, “It is
Cited: Kafka, Franz. Metamorphosis. London: Penguin, 2006. Print. Kahn, Michael. Basic Freud: Psychoanalytic Thought for the Twenty First Century. New York: Basic, 2002. Print. Storr, Anthony. Freud: Anthony Storr. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. Print.