Describe the definition of nursing as put forward by the American Nurses Association. How does it address the metaparadigm theories of nursing?…
Following giant theorists in philosophy in nursing, I organize my perceptions and understanding in according with the four metaparadigm concepts of nursing. In common senses, every person is an existing entity in the universe. Therefore, environment of an entity is the universe without the entity. And health is a conditional state that defines the enduring and developing of an entity. A person as a whole is composed of properly functioning physical body, mental clarity, emotional harmony, and enlightened spirit. Healthy persons have their components proportionally operating in a synchronized fashion and in harmony with the environment. Unhealthy persons find themselves in deficiency of the components or in inappropriate for the surrounding.…
The boundaries between nursing philosophy and nursing theory have not always been clearly clarified in the literature (Pesut & Johnson, 2008). One purpose for philosophical analysis is to examine the meaning and develop theories of meaning. Many philosophical findings are written in scientific notations, therefore philosophy and science are deeply linked. When developing a meaningful philosophy for nursing practice, many concepts must be taken into consideration. This includes patient and patient care, nurses, health care and environment, community, infrastructure, and society as a whole. Nursing theory came into view under scientific empiricism with concrete theory being the foundation of a legitimate scientific discipline. But that was not…
The art of nursing arose in a primitive time when one person cared for another who was sick. The goal of nursing is to incorporate theoretical and experimental nursing from the sciences and technology. The aim to promote high quality, safe nursing care, to prevent illness and facilitate coping. To accomplish these goals, the nurse takes the role of caregiver, teacher and collaborator. As nursing grows and changes to meet the needs of society, laws have been made and “standard sets that govern the practice of the nursing profession.” (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 47)…
The metaparadigm is the large-scale view of nursing that encompasses all of the vital components of the nursing practice including person, environment, health and nursing practice. Each of these components are variables that must be considered and integrated to produce sound theory used in the development and delivery of nursing care. Nursing theory helps to identify and define the persons we care for and to design and develop the environment we use to care for them. Nursing theory demarcates the concept of health and what the perception of health is within the wellness and illness continuum and it prescribes the direction of nursing practice in that it is the collection of knowledge that establishes how practice is…
The purpose of this paper is to develop my own philosophy of nursing by understanding other philosophies. Philosophies School of nursing philosophy. The Vincennes University Nursing Department developed a nursing philosophy for what they think nursing is. It contains several components that the faculty believes is the central focus of nursing such as nursing, client, health, environment, teaching/learning, and nursing education. These components together forms what the Vincennes University (VU) faculty believes to be an effective…
McEwen, M., & Willis, E.M. (2011). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.…
designed to guide the practice of nursing” (Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, 2012). Nursing theories can help patients, managers and other healthcare professionals to recognize what and how much that nurses do contribute to the healthcare field. I never did realize how important theories in nursing practice could be until I became a nursing student myself. Nurses use theories in their everyday practice, but never think about them as being responsible for guiding our clinical skills. However, in the student’s eye, it is very easy to see how important theories are in practice. The concepts of Florence Nightingale’s Environment theory will be discussed in relation to how it impacts the nursing profession and patient care. The key concepts of Nightingale’s theory and their relationships with one another will be summarized as well as its relationship to nursing education.…
As advances in nursing science and research impact upon nursing education and clinical practice, new ways of looking at phenomena have led to re-examination and refinement of the traditional concepts: person, environment, health, and nursing. This evolving pattern of intellectual growth holds promise for the discipline of nursing through the advancement of knowledge based upon scientific inquiry into the practice of nursing. A discipline of nursing must encompass a proactive approach to the development theory that not only circumnavigates the present debates, but also bridges the worlds of research, theory and practice. Advancing a discipline of nursing is complex, convoluted and dynamic process. The next century will provide nursing with an opportunity to think nursing; that is, nursing will transcend the philosophy and knowledge of the discipline beyond the present boundaries.…
These four major concepts establish a better direction and understanding of nursing profession. The Nursing Metaparadigm embodies the knowledge base, theory, philosophy, research, practice, and educational experience and literature identified with the profession. These given concepts vary in accordance to the experiences and views of different nursing theorists.…
The main purpose of the paper is to express my personal philosophy of nursing. The paper provides an observation of a framework of my personal practice of nursing and the reasons why I choose nursing as a profession. The issue is extremely important to be studied, researched, and analyzed as it represents the theoretical basis of each nurse and highly supports one’s life philosophy and the system of interaction the nurse has with the rest of the society. Special attention is paid to the attitude that nurses have to their patients, family members, other nurses, and health care professionals as this has the major impact on the nursing practice in general.…
As a practice discipline, we use care in all nursing situations during our everyday practice. We show care through specific nursing actions such as patient teaching and advocacy, attentive listening or just “being there.” However, we must possess a certain amount of technical knowledge and skills in health and illness as a basis for these caring actions (Smith et al., 2013), which is where the discipline side of nursing comes in. As a human science aspect, we can infer that caring is a human trait and part of our nature, thus we all have the potential to care (Smith et al., 2013). Nursing takes it one step further in that we use our scientific knowledge of illness to individualize our care specific to our patient’s unique needs. The different patterns of knowing: personal, empirical, ethical and esthetic, further explain caring. Personal knowing requires the one caring be aware of…
The fundamental reason for developing knowledge in nursing is for the purpose of creating expert and effective nursing practice. It is through inquiry processes for each pattern that knowledge is formulated for the discipline. The main concept of knowledge is that all patterns of knowing form an integrated whole, and the whole of knowing is essential as a basis for best practices in nursing. Chinn & Kramer(2008) states failure to develop knowledge integrated within all of the patterns of knowing leads to uncritical acceptance, narrow interpretation, and partial utilization of knowledge which is called “the patterns gone wild”(p. 20).…
According to the American Nurses Association, nursing is defined as “protection, promotion, and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (American Nurses Association, 2004, p. 7). However there is much more to nursing, as a whole and throughout this paper I will be discussing my own personal nursing philosophy, which is what I believe to be the core characteristics of nursing. The aspects of my nursing philosophy and value/belief system are as follows: knowledge, time management, compassion/caring, advocacy, respect, honesty and patient…
My Personal Philosophy of Nursing Prior understanding the metaparadigm of nursing, my philosophy of nursing was merely based on nursing is a profession that aid the process of getting patients better. As Kearney-Nunnery stated, "The metaparadigm is the overall concern of nursing common to each nursing model, whether a conceptual model/paradigm or formal theory" (Kearney-Nunnery, 2016, pp.3). This paper will serve as an explanation of my personal nursing philosophy based on the four concepts of metaparadigm of nursing, which are human beings, environment, health and nursing. Each concept of metaparadigm of nursing composed of its own assumption, belief, and value.…