The metaparadigm of nursing makes nursing unique field of practice from any other profession. By understanding what each of the four concepts mean and how they relate to nursing, it can help promote good quality of care. In return, by providing quality care to the patient can have an increase quality of life. The four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm described by Kearney-Nunnery (2016) are nursing, human beings, environment, and health. Nursing is defined in Kearney-Nunnery (2016) “by its activities, goals, and services” (p.3).
God has created everyone equally and in his own image. Nurses possess their own unique gifts and talents and to be able to practice them brings glory to God. Nurses who are entrusted with these …show more content…
The right to healthcare is considered a moral right, even if one cannot afford the services provided. Currently in the United States people pay for services through health insurance or pay privately. Others who do not have insurance and cannot pay for services often leave their bills unpaid, leaving the cost to the facility.
Even though there is no constitutional right to healthcare, there are federal laws are in place to protect people from being refused healthcare. Discrimination laws protect patients from being turned away due to their race, gender, and disability. During emergency situations, all hospitals are required to provide treatment to prevent further harm or death under The Emergency Medical and Treatment Labor Act (EMTLA). Emergency treatment is also required even if the patient is uninsured. Due to high costs of treating uninsured patients, private hospitals can stabilize and then transfer the patient to another hospital to provide further …show more content…
I personally like Nightingale’s environmental theory because she took the basic elements of care and showed how important each one is when caring for a patient. Nightingale treated each of her patients in a unique way and knew that each patient had their own needs that required different forms of care. There are times that nurses have so many resource and technology advancements that we forget to go back to the fundamentals of nursing. Nightingale worked hard to clean up and change the conditions of hospitals. Nightingale did not have the technology that nurses have today, yet she was able to drastically decrease mortality rates in hospitals. Nightingale’s environmental theory proves that providing the basic necessities for comfort and healing can be just as