Selina Bickle
Camosun College
Understanding Metaparadigms of Nursing
The metaparadigm views of nursing involve the understanding and analysis in four parts: the person, environment, health care, and nursing care (Potter, Perry, Ross-Kerr & Wood, 2010). In the past, nursing theorists have shown that the language used when referring to individuals being cared for has an impact on the person, the care provided and the entire scope of nursing practice (Potter et al., 2010). Therefore, principles were created to comprehend how nurses could categorize their nursing knowledge, expand awareness of the individual clients circumstance and to help formulate which direction to take when applying best practices for health promotion and illness prevention (Potter et al., 2010). Throughout assessing the needs and wants of the patient, the empirical aspect, which involves gathering data through a scientific lens, is similarly essential to meet an ethical standard when providing care (Zander, 2007).
With the recognition that nurse’s role was more than simply providing care, theorists began to explore how a person was the center of the wheel with different spindles extending out as parts of them. This began creating change in relation to how the person was viewed. The person, client or patient, now seen as a whole with genuine needs, changed nurse’s practice when analyzing care tactics and different possibilities when providing it (Potter et al, 2010). Differentiating autonomous nursing practice was a necessary step, because historically many nursing functions were derived from biomedicine, since nurses have practiced in bio medically dominated settings (Engebretson, 1997). As the nursing profession is able to incorporate medical methods along with a holistic approach, this enables nurses to better define their professional domain to its members and to society. (Engebreston, 1997). Theory guides the practice and the actions
References: Engebretson, J. (2007). A Multiparadigm Approach to Nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 20(1), 21-33. Retrieved from McCrae, N. (2012). Whither Nursing Models? The value of nursing theory in the context of evidence-based practice and multidisciplinary health care. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 68(1), 222-229. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05821.x Thorne, S. (2010). Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice. In Ross-Kerr, J. C. & Wood, M. J. (4th Ed.), Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (pp. 66-67). Toronto: Elsevier Canada. Zander, P., (2007). Ways of knowing in nursing: the historical evolution of a concept. Journal of Theory Construction & Testing, 11(1), 7-11. Retieved from: