For TDS submission, I would like to run the customers through the TDS payment process and the steps to be taken to obtain Form 16B (for the deductor or buyer) and Form 26QB for the (seller or deductee). Firstly one has to go to the following link:
Once this link is opened click on Form 26QB (Payment of TDS on sale of property).
Select (0021) in case of non corporate payer and 0020 in case of corporate payer. “In your case it is Income Tax on Companies (0020)”.
Financial Year is 2013- 2014 till 31 March 2014 after that it is 2014-2015.
Fill your Pan Details in Transferee and our Pan details in Transferror.
PAN No. of Mapsko Builders Pvt. Ltd. Is “AADCM5296L” & Address is 52, North Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh West, New Delhi- 110026. Email Id is and Mobile No. is 9990616363.
Mention whether more than one applicant/ Buyer in your case and select NO in our case.
Then enter property details.
Then enter date of agreement which is on the first page of BBA or you can also mention date of booking which is there on your demand letter on first row first column.
Payment type is Installments.
Enter the amount you paid in a particular month, only that month’s payment’s TDS can be deducted at once so if you have made two payments after that, kindly enter separately with two TDS deductions.
TDS % is 1(One).
On filling in the various details called for in that form, click on ‘Proceed’ at the bottom of the page, this will then take you to the next page, which will give you the option to select your bank.
Once you select the bank, then login using the normal online process for your bank.
You can also choose the other option of “ e-tax payment on subsequent date” by choosing the same option and mentioning your bank and taking this printout to the bank after clicking on Proceed.
Once the payment is made the bank will let you print challan 280 with a tick on