● Created (officially) in 1968
● Traces back to John and Charles Wesley of England in the early 1700’s
● Became a movement led by those who felt neglected by The Church of England 2. Sacrament
● Methodists recognize the two rituals that Christ participated in himself:
○ Baptism:
The act of joining the Christian church through sprinkling, immersion, or pouring of holy water ii. Symbol of new life iii. Sign of God’s love and forgiveness of our sins
○ The Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion or Eucharist):
A holy meal of bread and wine that symbolizes the body and blood of
Used as a way to remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus 3. Baptism
● Washing away of sins and membership in the community of the saved
Anyone joining the church must be baptizedinfant or adult
● Some Methodist churches practice full immersion baptism
● Most the minister dabs some water from the baptismal font on the forehead of the person being baptized
● Infant baptism
Been controversial because it was practiced by Roman Catholics 4. Places of Worship
● Primarily found in the northern United States
● United Methodist Church
● Found world wide
● Several in England (see Origins)
● Priest is elevated
● Full of windows, very open/ round shaped
5. Most Distinguishing Characteristic ● Empty cross that symbolizes Christ’s resurrection
● Methodist churches are triangles, trefoils, and fleurdelis, all symbolizing the Trinity, an open book symbolizing the word of God, and a fish (symbol of Christians).
● Some Methodists, who tend to be more conservative, read the Bible more literally and focus on laws set down in scripture that require high standards of personal morality.
● Other Methodists, who are more liberal, believe that specific rules change with social settings. ● `“The Third Way” embraces openly gay clergy and allows ordainment of