For the purpose of this research both …show more content…
For this dissertation a semi-structured interviews were found to be more appropriate as a research instrument for collecting primary data. This kind of interview collects elaborated information in a way that is somewhat conversational, especially when the researchers want to investigate deeply into a topic.
The semi-structured interviews were concocted/ formulated in the form of a questionnaire by combining both close ended and open ended questions.
In case study research, an investigator studies an individual or small group of individuals with an unusual condition or situation. A case study had been conducted on an elderly resident at Cité Anoshka to better understand the ‘Malaise Créole’. The case study approach seeks to understand the problem being investigated. In addition case study is an ideal methodology when a holistic, in-depth investigation is needed (Feagin, Orum, & Sjoberg, 1991).
According to Yin [1984] case studies are appropriate where the objective is to study contemporary events, and where it is not necessary to control behavioral events or variables. Yin further suggests single case studies are appropriate if the objective of the research is to explore a previously un-researched …show more content…
For analysis After the data was collected it was organised and analysed. of closed-ended questions, a computer programme called Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used. Data was analysed by using deblockedive statistics. Frequency tables were drawn and from these the data was presented in pie diagrams and bar graphs. The open-ended questions were analysed through quantitative content analysis by the researcher with the aim of quantifying emerging characteristics and concepts. Concept analysis is the process of analysing verbal or written communications in a systematic way to measure variables quantitatively (Polit & Hungler 1995:209,