The following section presents a critical review of the literature including literature search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria and results of literature search. This literature review was structured in relation to answering the three primary research questions mentioned above.
. Literature search strategy
The literature search commenced with assembling the information from a variety of sources including text books and journal articles. Through reading books, journal articles and newspapers, core ideas were recognised and a survey tally (Machi & McEvoy 2012) was created using the following key words; Domestic violence, domestic abuse, women in Pakistan, frameworks, primary prevention, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention, and culture, customs, watta satta, acid attack, karro kari, and family violence, laws, role of police, health impact, social determinants of health, education, self-sufficiency, well-being, social connectedness, integration and involvement of organizations, society response. A number of relevant health database were searched for the literature review including EBSCOHost (Academic Search Complete, AMED, CINAHL, E-Journals, MEDILINE with Full Text), ), WHO(World Health Organization), Pubmed, Scopus, ASAP, Deakin research online and Web knowledge. In addition, a review of grey literatures was also searched from international, national and community level websites such as WHO, government documents were also built in. The search engines Google, Google scholar and Yahoo were utilized to search for data that could not be obtained through the database and grey literatures research. The review was conducted from 1973 to 2013.
Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
Articles in English
Articles other than English
Most of the researched articles are in English and the language used in thesis is also English.
Research Period
Research period was limited to between 1973 and 2013.
Literature that was published before 1990
First constitution in favor of women was passes in 1973. Till 2013 because rsearch for the most recent data helps collecting information dealing with topic significance and relevance to the academic body of knowledge or professional practice.
Target Population
Target population is mainly Pakistani women
Men, children, older people.
The reason for including only women is because my research topic is domestic violence on women only.
This paper will mainly focus on Pakistan including developed and developing countries.
The reason for including Pakistan is because my main target population is Pakistani women and to include developing and developed countries is to understand the frameworks and prevention successful strategies and how to implement those in context to Pakistan.
Types of Literature
Text books, government documents, non-government documents, Journal articles, Newspaper articles and webpage information regarding domestic violence on women.
Blogs, company websites, magazines
Academic literature review most often demands both theoretical and field-based information. Using current field-based literature to decide the issues, significance and relevance of the study. The theoretical literature clearly defines the topic and provides the knowledge base for understanding the topic’s depth and breadth.
Literature on prevention and intervention related to Domestic violence on women.
Violence on men, children,
To understand interventions on prevention and frameworks in Pakistan and other countries.
Literature on the impacts of domestic violence on women.
To understand
Publications by local NGO’s
To find out what intervention strategies are in being implemented by local NGOs to stop domestic violence in Pakistan.
Search words
Web of knowledge
Domestic violence
Domestic abuse
And women
And Pakistan
And culture
Machi, LA & McEvoy, BT 2012, The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success. Second Edition, Corwin.
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