To attain a certain solution to a particular problem, investigation plays an important role. Investigations that are in any method should be more or less factual so that studying philosophy will bloom to a quality answer that will resolved the curiosity of man.
The methods of inquiry ranks number one of the concern in investigation of such case. That is why, chapter 3 of this book focuses in this topic.
As an initial step, it is required to know the basic concept of methods of inquiry. As defined, methods is a procedure wherein your goal is to achieve an end. Methodology refers to the study of methods. In philosophy, on the other hand, defines method as a reflective thinking that is when a person defines a problem with respect to himself.
The earliest method of inquiry were observation (empiricism) and reasoning (rationalism). It is a major problem to the philosophers to balance these earliest method of inquiry since those are subjective and therefore reflects ones thinking and not to general. For example, the observation which uses the senses of humans, namely the sense of touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight. A boy sees an apple to be color red, while the other boy sees it to be color reddish green. In that situation either of the two has an abnormality in their sense of sight. Therefore, those stated senses are not that reliable in garnering observation.
As neither substitute nor solution, philosophers developed the so called contemporary method of inquiry. These methods focuses not only to the observation and reasoning of a person but also includes different aspects to attain a particular end to a method. One these methods is induction which suggest to draw a conclusion from studying particulars to its generals. Another is method is deduction. This method is the inverse of induction, it views a conclusion from studying its generals to particulars. For example, anything that reduces human effort is called a machine, car reduces human