An approach to language teaching is something that reflects a certain model or research paradigm- a theory. This term is the broadest of the three. A method, on the other hand, is a set of procedures, i.e., a system that spells out rather precisely how to teach a language. Methods are more specific than approaches but less specific than techniques. Methods are typically compatible with one (or sometimes two) approaches. A technique is a classroom device or activity and thus represents the narrowest term of the three concepts. Some techniques are widely used and found in many methods (e.g., imitation and repetition); however, some techniques are specific to or characteristic of a given method (e.g.,using cuisinaire rods = the Silent Way).
Classical approach In learning of L2, is the old method of learning. Grammar Translation Method Is based on this aproach. Classical approach has following characteristics which are as follows:
1- It is used to teach classical languages such as Greek and Latin. Greek myths were in this form.
2- The teacher taught the rules of second language.
3- The mother tongue is used in class enviornment or the lecture is conducted in mother tounge
4- It emphsizes on translation of target language into mother language
5- It emphasizes on reading comprehnsion question
6- This approach emphasizes on grammar.
GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD This method of learning the language is based on classical approach. The Grammar-Translation Method focuses on developing students' appreciation of the target language's literature as well as teaching the language. Students are presented with target-language reading passages and answer questions that follow. Other activities include translating literary passages from one language into the other, memorizing grammar rules, and memorizing native-language equivalents of target language vocabulary. Class work is highly