
Methoxetamine Research Paper

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Phenomenon of new drugs on the Internet: the case of ketamine derivative methoxetamine

On the basis of the material available both in the scientific literature and on the web, this paper aims to provide a pharmacological, chemical and behavioural overview of the novel compound methoxetamine. This is a dissociative drug related to ketamine, with a much longer duration of action and intensity of effects. A critical discussion of the availability of information on the web of methoxetamine as a new recreational trend is here provided. Those methodological limitations, which are intrinsically associated with the analysis of online, non-peer reviewed, material, are here discussed as well. It is concluded that the online availability of
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The desired effects may vary according to the dosage and the modality of intake, these include euphoria, empathy, ‘cosiness’, pleasant intensification of sensory experiences especially whilst listening to music, mild-to-strong sense of dissociation from the physical body, distortion of the sense of reality, vivid hallucinations, introspection and brief antidepressant effects (Bluelight 2010; Erowid 2010; Psychonaut
2010; Purechemicals 2010; Bluelight 2011; DrugsForum 2011; Erowid 2011; Hipforums 2011). Some users’ comments on their MXE experience included
‘music sounds great’, ‘trapped inside a glass chopping board’, ‘not for social situation’, ‘feeling like another inanimate object’ and ‘. . .just seems so absurdly surreal and it makes no sense, but I’m quite happy just to stare at the TV screen, feeling all snugly and warm’.
Somebody described MXE as a ‘big Christmas cardigan’, whose intake was providing both ‘spinning sensations’ and ‘naturalistic hallucinations in waves’, overall referring to the ‘M-Hole’, as opposed to the ketamine ‘K-hole’ (Erowid 2011). The term is typically referring to a subjective state of dissociation
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons,

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