Following Janie’s incorrect handling of a tobacco purchase, Jody trashes Janie and her looks in order to confirm his own ego. Saying that her “rump hanging nearly to knees” (Hurston 78), Jody attempts to take attention away from his own deteriorating health and boost his self confidence by demeaning Janie. Jody further attempts to make himself feel better by exaggerating her age, using a reference to Methuselah, saying that Janie was almost as old as him. The use of this allusion helps illustrate Jody’s desire to lower others to boost himself.
Saul’s daughter and David
“Janie had robbed him of his illusion of irresistible maleness that all men cherish, which was terrible. The thing that Saul’s daughter had done to David” (79). …show more content…
This changed when Paul was walking down a road one day and was struck by a bolt of lighting and left with an image of Christ seared into his mind. Left blind by the ordeal for three days, he soon had his vision restored. Paul began preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ after the event, turning from his dogmatic Judaism to reaffirming claims about Jesus being the true son of God. Paul goes on to preach to the non-jewish Gentiles who would spread his Gospels later on. Best described as a “Hebrew born of Hebrews” turned devout Christian, Paul is depicted as transforming from intolerant to open-minded and venerated by