Disclaimer; this is intended to be an introductory technical article; certain details have been excluded in the interests of space and clarity. Network design examples are presented to illustrate specific technical points and are not intended to fully complete.
Historically WAN's (Wide Area Networks) and LAN's (Local Area Networks) have relied on independent technologies. At a physical layer WAN technologies today continue to be based largely on legacy TDM systems that were built initially to support voice, video and early data communications in a reliable fashion. WAN connectivity over distance often requires the use of regenerators and meet points between multiple Telco suppliers that may span the globe. Without strict adherence to standards, these connections would not function. WAN technologies depend on highly complex and expensive equipment, which can guarantee inter-operability and "five 9's" reliability required to support the millions of paying customers utilizing the network.
Meanwhile, the advent of early PC's and the recognition of the value in networking devices together gave rise to Local Area Networks. These LAN's were developed from a business customer perspective, which placed more emphasis on costs and ease of use over reliability. There were a number of different competing LAN technologies, two of the most common being Token Ring (IBM) and Ethernet (everyone else). The triumph of Ethernet in the marketplace, to the extent where it is included in every PC, game console and some refrigerators, provides a consistent and relatively inexpensive way to build internal networks with relative ease.
As the internal PC networks continued to grow and thrive a need to connect disparate facilities together resulted in development of bridges, gateways and ultimately routers for the sole purpose of connecting LANs to other LAN's located anywhere from several miles to several thousand miles apart. These devices allow disparate