They viewed the Mexican families as flaws, that Mexican families “required intense education in American Values”. From speaking English, personal hygiene, dietary habits, and what they believed to be most important limiting the size of their families. Woman were urged to engage in family planning as well. The expectations that were expected from the kids are similar some around, you’re expected to make good choices, to do good in school and to not be involved in what at that time would be considered the pachuco/a
They viewed the Mexican families as flaws, that Mexican families “required intense education in American Values”. From speaking English, personal hygiene, dietary habits, and what they believed to be most important limiting the size of their families. Woman were urged to engage in family planning as well. The expectations that were expected from the kids are similar some around, you’re expected to make good choices, to do good in school and to not be involved in what at that time would be considered the pachuco/a