
Mexican Drug Trafficking Essay

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Mexican Drug Trafficking Essay
Aside from Mexico, we also have Colombia, which is known as the capital of drug-trafficking. It is believed that approximately half of the cocaine in the rest of the world comes from here. Since the 1970’s, this country has been the home to the “most violent and sophisticated drug trafficking organizations in the world.” The cocaine they grow here, is mostly grown in areas where “the state has long lacked control,”7which is mostly in the jungle and outer-city areas. This land is used for cocaine growth and for other different kinds of illegal activities. Approximately between 69,000 and 112,000 hectares are utilized to produce the cocaine. However, a big point is that cocaine doesn't grow directly as cocaine, it’s more like a process. Cocaine comes from the plant, coca, and then it’s “converted …show more content…
Being that, drug-traffickers are all about strategy, and their back up strategy to not get caught, is sometimes changing to transporting on airplanes, to avoid the checkpoints. The drug they smuggle out of the country is distributed to many other places of the world, but primarily to Mexico, and 35% of it is controlled in Sinaloa, Mexico, by the Sinaloa cartel. Many traffickers have even gone to the extent where they hire engineers from Russia to help design submarines which are utilized to ship large quantities of cocaine to the United States.8 This was done like this, completely different than in the beginning because in the mid-1970’s, they would smuggle in drug into the United States via suitcases, but it was done in small quantities. Drug-trafficking in the country has grown to be “an enormous multi-national cocaine

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