According to the book “Latin Eugenics in Comparative Perspective” by Marius Turda and Aaron Gillette, the meeting was more focused on insisting the important of Eugenics for the society and state. They also focused on the education of mothers and overall populations. They believe that having sex education will prevent “unfit” children by eliminating sexual disease and alcoholism. They also included hygiene which is part of the public health. By improving hygiene, they built school playgrounds, offered classes to young women to teach them about prenatal care of unborn children through attention to the health of pregnant women and dispatched health visitors to poor neighborhoods to train future
According to the book “Latin Eugenics in Comparative Perspective” by Marius Turda and Aaron Gillette, the meeting was more focused on insisting the important of Eugenics for the society and state. They also focused on the education of mothers and overall populations. They believe that having sex education will prevent “unfit” children by eliminating sexual disease and alcoholism. They also included hygiene which is part of the public health. By improving hygiene, they built school playgrounds, offered classes to young women to teach them about prenatal care of unborn children through attention to the health of pregnant women and dispatched health visitors to poor neighborhoods to train future