To begin, the contents of enchiladas differs in the U.S. and in Mexico. In restaurants, and even most American homes, enchiladas are made with beef or chicken wrapped in store bought flour tortillas. Meanwhile, in Mexico they are made with a corn tortilla and most often filled with cheese. The preparation also differs between the two nations. In America, for example, they are topped with a red or green sauce, maybe even a package mix and then baked in the oven. Finally, just before eating they are topped with lettuce sour cream and salsa. Whereas in Mexico the sauce is made entirely from scratch with dried chilies that have been boiled, and then ground with garlic and other ingredients. Sometimes they even use mole sauce which can be a meal of its own. The tortilla is dipped in the sauce then fried. Once the tortilla is fried place cheese in the center and roll it up while still warm; now add the toppings and enjoy a delicious authentic Mexican
To begin, the contents of enchiladas differs in the U.S. and in Mexico. In restaurants, and even most American homes, enchiladas are made with beef or chicken wrapped in store bought flour tortillas. Meanwhile, in Mexico they are made with a corn tortilla and most often filled with cheese. The preparation also differs between the two nations. In America, for example, they are topped with a red or green sauce, maybe even a package mix and then baked in the oven. Finally, just before eating they are topped with lettuce sour cream and salsa. Whereas in Mexico the sauce is made entirely from scratch with dried chilies that have been boiled, and then ground with garlic and other ingredients. Sometimes they even use mole sauce which can be a meal of its own. The tortilla is dipped in the sauce then fried. Once the tortilla is fried place cheese in the center and roll it up while still warm; now add the toppings and enjoy a delicious authentic Mexican