= Comandancia General de Oriente + Comandancia General de Occidente
Comandancia General de Occidente
= (Durango y Chihuahua) + (Sonora y Sinaloa) + Nuevo México
Comandancia General de Oriente
= Coahuila y Texas + Nuevo León + Nuevo Santander
Nueva Vizcaya (= Durango y Chihuahua)
Nuevo Santander (= Tamaulipas)
Nueva Galicia (= Jalisco y Zacatecas)
Bajío (=Guanajuato, Michoacán y Querétaro)
Persona Padre Madre mestizo español india mulato español negra
Zambo Indio negra
De los ciento setenta virreyes que había habido en América el año de 1813, sólo cuatro habían nacido en ella, y esto por casualidad, por ser hijos de empleados. Tres de éstos fueron virreyes de México, y son Don Luis de Vleasco [1564]…Don Juan de Acuña [1722-34]…el conde de Revillagigedo…Los tres fueron un modelo de probidad, capadida y celo.
(Of 4 of 170 virreyos before 1813 were born in the Americas)
Miguel Mateo Maldonado y Cabrera (1695–1768)
• Zapotec, born Antequera (=Oaxaca City)
• Casta paintings
• Portrait of the Sor Juana
• One of the first portraits of St. Juan Diego
• 3 copies of Our Lady of Guadalupe (1752)
1 for Archbishop José Manuel Rubio y Salinas,
1 for Pope
1 as model for further copies.
• Maravilla americana (“American Marvel”) early study of the icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 1756 confirmed miraculous nature of the icon as testified by1666 witnesses.
1531, December 9-12
Juan Diego is visited by a young woman who tells him to build a church on Tepeyac.
Upon being asked for proof by Bishop Zumárraga, “Protector of the Indians,” (first bishop of Mexico), the virgin tells him to bring roses.
When he unfurls his mantle to deposit the rose, the image of the virgin is revealed.
Junta de Valladolid: Formal debate within Catholic Church whether Indigenous people of the Americas were naturally free deserving protection or should be enslaved “in order to uproot crimes