(b) In the Mexican maquiladora case, the project’s goal …show more content…
In general, empowerment means having authority and capability to achieve what people want in their chosen ways. In this case, empowerment means having professional skills to overcome gender and national hierarchy system. Women themselves push for empowerment while facing irrational managers and systems. Gloria proves the women’s empowerment as she organizes an elaborate social system and wisely uses loyalty from the 500 operators. In the women’s empowerment NGO, the projects contribute to the women’s empowerment while creating “spaces for women in their communities” (xxviii). In this case, the meaning of the empowerment is the communal organizations, designed and supported by NGOs (xiv). NGOs push because they need the data and the accomplishment of the program (122). However, the result is optimistic because Sangtin rejects “donor-driven” empowerment and reconstruct self-determination “shaped by structures of caste, class and religion” (135). In the case of Microfinance loans, the project constrains the women’s empowerment by separating women from the group and from the opportunity. In the case, the meaning of the empowerment is the access to the materials, and NGO is pushing for it, influenced by the development, poverty, and gender discourses. The result is pessimistic while women are left with the debt, are still the victims of the debt. Daughters, rather than sons, are deprived of the opportunity for