First, who said he wanted to build and what is a Mexican Wall? Let me ask you, do you have a front or back door in your house? Do you lock them at night or when you are not at home? If you do, Why? Or do you, let anyone and everyone in? Do you set snacks out for them, as they set and watch your T.V.? When it's time for them to go to bed, where do you sleep on the floor. This could go on forever.
Are you notpreventing Syrians, Californian, New Yorkers, etc refugees and Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, non-believers etc. from entering your house?
I can't any statement by Trump or
any member of the Republican party, who is opposed to (Latinos and African Americans in the inner cities peacefully protesting). Are you opposed to all of the other Americans peacefully protesting The Progressive Democrat party? By voting against Hillary.
No one is opposed to free trade, as long as it's fair trade. If you can in your wildest daydream believe Obama did nothing but quicken the day the Iranians will have nuclear munition, I have some beachfront property in East Missoula you may be interested in. How many families of terrorists has Obama killed with his drone strikes? Are these war crimes or are
Democarts, 'incapable' of committing war crimes. E.G. LBJ.