They definitely don't look like ours too. A standard family home in Mexico is usually a skinny, two storied house with a small concrete slab in the front for a car. These houses are usually made of either stone or brick. When they are made of stone, the houses are painted a very loud color like lime green or yellow. The roofs of these homes are flat with a little border around it that is the same color of the trim. On the second floor of this house there are stairs that lead to the to. Families usually keep coolers, barbecues or tables up there. Those houses are bought by the average income citizen. There are other houses that more wealthy people can buy. These houses are made of wood or a higher quality stone. These houses are not painted bright colors. They are usually tan, brown or white. These houses have lots of windows and other cool features too. Like patios and swimming pools. The houses are also located out of town and away from other small …show more content…
The Mexican government has a well foundation underneath their military. They have an Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force. All though they have a good foundation with their government and military, the government still makes deals with local cartels. So what happens is a drug cartel will form and to be sure that the government wont take them down, the cartels will give a percentage of their income to the government. In doing this, the Mexican military has to protect the cartels. This is all done by the President himself. Mexico does have presidents and politics. They have regular elections for the congressmen and they have an election every 4 years for president. Who ever is elected gets two 4 year terms unless voted out at the election. The current President of Mexico is Enrique Pena