Syllabus Part II – Fall 1 2013
Beverly Pierce
Contact Information
Email: Please use the “Course Messages” function within the Blackboard site to reach me via email. Do NOT send messages to my Davenport email address.
Phone: 708-788-6204
Availability: This is an online course, so please contact me by email first. If you do need to call regarding something urgent, please keep in mind that you are calling my home. See information below. Public Questions for the instructor: If you have a general question about course procedures or assignments, and you don’t mind if your classmates read it, please use the “Help Desk” discussion forum. I encourage you to use this forum, as other students …show more content…
may have the same question. Private Questions: If you have a private question, please send me an email using the “Course
Messages” function within the Blackboard site. Do NOT send messages to my Davenport email address. I typically check for messages at least once a day (and sometimes more often).
Course Emergencies: You are welcome to call me regarding a course-related emergency or other pressing matter. When leaving a voicemail, please CLEARLY state your first and last name, your course, a contact number, and the best time to reach you. I check voicemail regularly and will return your call as soon as possible.
Instructor Reservation Statement: I reserve the right to make adjustments to this syllabus as needed. If adjustments are made, I will send the class an email and/or post a course announcement on Blackboard.
Technical Support Information
Technical Support for all system-related issues (Davenportal, Blackboard, etc.) is available from
Davenport University’s 24/7 Student Support Center by phone at (616) 732-1200 or 877-8991499 (ext 1200). You can also visit the support portal at to find answers to frequently asked questions, submit a support ticket, or utilize the Live Chat support.
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Required Textbook
There is one required textbook for this course:
Management Communication
Bell, Arthur H. / Smith, Dayle M.
3RD 10
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Textbooks may be ordered online by contacting MBS Direct at: or by phone at 1-800-325-3252. If the textbook is purchased through another source, make sure the ISBN number is an exact match for the one given above.
It is essential that everyone has the textbook by the start of class. If you do not have the book, you may fall too far behind in the first week to successfully catch up, so please take steps to obtain your textbook before the start of the session.
Hardware/Software Requirements
Please review the information on the “Technical Support” page on the course site for information regarding the computer hardware and software requirements for Davenport University Online courses. Or visit (for hardware requirements) and (for software requirements).
To protect everyone in the virtual classroom from the potentially devastating effects of computer viruses, it is essential that each participant has and uses an up-to-date antivirus program or regularly scans for viruses using a web-based program, such as
This is a good (free) site for a drive/disk scan.
An additional note: The Blackboard platform sometimes does not work well when accessed using the Internet Explorer browser. I recommend that you use the Firefox or Chrome browser to access Blackboard.
Time Requirements
This online course is divided into seven weekly sessions; it will require at least twelve hours per week to complete the course assignments. Please note: you may require more (or less) time depending on your personal level of experience with the material, level of experience with computers and the speed of your Internet connection.
The online format provides a great deal of flexibility in terms of when you choose to work on the course. However, it is a mistake to think that it will require less time or is easier than a traditional campus-based class. You will need to make a commitment to work on course materials on a regular basis in order to be successful in this environment.
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Participation: Successful online learning environments are highly collaborative. Attendance and participation are critical parts of any dynamic learning experience, in school as well as on the job. Making it a habit to contribute to the activities and discussions on a regular basis will enhance your learning experience and keep you current on information and announcements posted by the facilitator. This strategy is found to be most effective in promoting success—a little every day gets the job done!
APA Style & Formatting
For listing research sources and creating in-text citations for cited material, Davenport University uses APA style, based on the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (APA), which was issued in July 2009. APA style also stipulates how assignment papers should be formatted.
Unless otherwise indicated, all assignment materials submitted by students for this course must follow APA guidelines for style and formatting.
There are excellent resource materials available online through the Davenport LInC (library).
Go to Included are detailed guides, templates and examples.
Please familiarize yourself with these materials, and follow the guidelines EXACTLY. Do not lose grade points unnecessarily because your references or in-text citations are listed incorrectly, or your paper does not meet the APA formatting standards.
Emphasis in this course will be on text readings and resources, active participation in the discussion board (forum), the completion of the required weekly assignments, a weekly Journal entry and a final synthesis paper.
Evaluation & Assessment of Student Learning
Students are evaluated on their participation and the quality of their work in completing the following assignments:
Weekly Forum Topic Responses & Interactive postings
Weekly Journal entry
Weekly assignment papers
Final synthesis paper
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Weekly Forum Topic Responses and Interactive Postings
60 points (weeks 1-6)
40 points (week 7)
As an MBA student, you are not only responsible for your own learning, but also responsible to contribute to the learning environment by bringing research, analysis and examples that help everyone construct a deeper understanding of the content than they could do on their own.
Each week you will be asked to contribute to the knowledge base on two (2) assigned topics related to the readings and/or resources for the week. You are expected to go outside the course materials provided and conduct research, and then provide analysis, examples and support for your findings and opinions on the topic.
Your contribution to Topic 1 will be due by Day 2 each week, and your response to Topic 2 will be due by Day 4. All postings should meet professional standards in content, grammar / punctuation / writing style and the use of APA guidelines for reference listings and citation of sources. Postings should run approximately 300 words (3 paragraphs).
Several criteria must be met in order to receive full credit:
Your responses must be posted by the due date.
Your responses relate directly to the assigned Topic and contribute new information to build our understanding of the concepts.
You develop your point(s) with examples and/or appropriately documented research, and exhibit sound research skills employing various tools and library resources such …show more content…
as surveys, Internet sources, databases, etc. (Please note: Wikipedia is not a valid source.)
Your responses include original thought-synthesizing information and do not simply copy material from another source.
Your responses are written clearly and correctly and follow proper APA format for references and in-text citations. Topic responses should include at least two (2) peerreviewed reference sources, with appropriate in-text citations.
Peer Interaction & Contributions to Discussion
Interaction is defined as your contributions to the ongoing “conversations” in the Forums
(Discussion Board) each week. You are expected to provide additional insights, explore differing opinions and present soundly supported, well-reasoned comments that build upon ideas presented by others in the class. The instructor will be looking for insightful analysis, probing questions, and constructive suggestions to each other. Keep thinking from the perspective: How can I add something useful? It may be an experience you've had, or a quote from an article you read that relates to the topic under discussion – be creative and use critical thinking skills!
Use the following as guidelines for interaction expectations.
Your contributions develop the ideas further and bring in new research and/or examples to further develop the topic. Do not waste time by simply agreeing with or repeating another posting.
A minimum of two substantial interactive contributions are expected each week to meet the minimum requirements of the class.
The postings are to be respectful and supportive in tone.
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Interactive postings must be completed by Day 7 of each week (except Week 7—no interactive postings are required in Week 7).
Please review the grading rubric provided for the Forum Responses (available on the
“Syllabus” page) carefully. I follow this rubric closely when I grade your Forum Topic responses and your interactive postings each week. It will help you to understand how you can maximize the benefit of participation in the Discussion Board and the grade points you receive for your efforts.
Weekly Journal Entry
10 points (weeks 1-6)
At the end of each week (except Week 7), you will post an entry in the online class Journal. A topic is provided each week for reflection and discussion. Your Journal entry should be about
200-300 words in length and must be submitted by Day 7 each week. The link for submitting your Journal entry is in the “Learning Hub” menu under “Journals.”
Weekly Assignments, Case Studies and Analytical Papers
Descriptions and specific requirements for these written assignments may be found in the
“Weekly Materials” page for each week of the class. Grading rubrics for each assignment also are posted on these pages. The points available for these assignments vary each week.
Papers should be submitted using the link found in the “Written Assignments” folder on the main menu. When your paper is successfully submitted for grading by the instructor, an exclamation mark (“!”) will appear in the Gradebook. After your paper is graded, the number of points earned will appear in the Gradebook, and you may click on that number to view instructor comments about your paper.
PowerPoint Presentation
80 points
You will be expected to prepare and submit a PowerPoint presentation during Week 6 of the class. You will be evaluated on the content of the presentation, the professionalism of the
PowerPoint slides, and the speaker notes that outline the verbal presentation you would use to accompany your slides.
Final Paper: Art or Science?
100 points
The description and specific requirements for the final paper may be found in the weekly page for Week 7. The grading rubric for this assignment also is posted on this page. This assignment is worth 100 points—10 percent of the total points available for the course. The paper is due on
Day 5 of Week 7, which is the final day of the session.
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Course Grade Determination
Weekly Topic & Peer Reponses (6@60 points, 1 @40)
Weekly Journal Entries (6 @10 points)
Multiple Intelligence Assignment
Listening Reflection Paper
Persuasive Proposal
Communication Plan
Case Study
PowerPoint Presentation
Final Paper: Art or Science?
Student performance will be measured as explained above and in the various rubrics posted in each week’s Weekly Materials page.
Extra Credit: In keeping with university policy, no extra credit will be allowed in this course.
There is a total of 1,000 points possible in this course.
Point Scale
The following grading scale is a University standard for courses in this area of study.
Above average
Below average
Formal withdrawal
72 and below
The lowest passing grade in this course is “C.”
Each week the assignment grades will be posted within the Blackboard Grade Center. To access the feedback, simply double-click on the weekly assignment grade and a page containing any instructor feedback will appear in the Blackboard Grade Center.
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Late Policy
This is only a seven-week class, and timeliness is extremely important. Do not fall behind as it will be extremely difficult to catch up – most students never do. All course due dates are by
MIDNIGHT, EASTERN STANDARD/DAYLIGHT TIME, regardless of the time zone where you are located; please keep this in mind and plan accordingly.
Computer Back-up Plan: Computer issues ARE NOT ACCEPTED as a reason for late submissions. As an online student, you are required to have a computer back-up plan (a family member’s or friend’s computer, the local library, etc.). Everyone MUST have a back-up plan.
Please arrange your back-up plan prior to the start of this course. Computer issues are not an excuse for late work.
MBA Program—Policy on Assignment Deadline Extensions: The Davenport University
MBA Program has established the following policy regarding assignment deadlines: It is the responsibility of students to complete all course assignments on time in accordance with the
Course Calendar and Late Assignment Policies outlined in the faculty’s syllabus. In extreme situations where there is a scheduled professional or educational conflict that inhibits the student’s ability to complete an assignment by the deadline, only written contact with the faculty one (1) week prior to the assignment deadline will be considered appropriate for deadline extension. No extension will be granted for Discussion Board participation or for the final assignment/exam. Instructor policy on Assignment Deadline Extensions: To be consistent with the University policy stated above, no late assignments will be accepted unless the instructor approves the extension before the assignment is due. All assignments are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on the due date. Extensions are extremely rare. Studying for an exam in another course, attending another course, preparing an assignment for another course, job schedules or responsibilities, travel, computer issues (see above), etc. are NOT acceptable reasons to grant an extension. Everyone has other responsibilities; please plan ahead and use time management strategies to ensure you can meet your class commitments. If you do find yourself in a truly unusual situation that may merit an extension, you must contact the instructor before the due date for the assignment to request the extension.
The late policy DOES NOT APPLY to Discussion Board participation. To receive credit for
Discussion Board topic responses and postings, students must post responses during the same week that the Topic is assigned. No exceptions.
The late policy DOES NOT APPLY TO THE FINAL PAPER. Because final grades must be submitted at the completion of the semester, NO FINAL PAPERS will be accepted after Week 7,
Day 5. Please keep this in mind and plan ahead. Turning in the final paper late will result in a zero grade. No exceptions.
From time to time, students have problems with Blackboard. If there is a University-wide
Blackboard issue or outage, you will be notified via email. Unless you receive an email from
Davenport notifying you of a Blackboard problem, you are expected to turn in your assignments on time. This means that if you are having trouble with Blackboard, you should contact tech support (see the link and phone number provided on page 1) and work out the problem.
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Plagiarism is a serious offense and will not be tolerated in the online classroom. Plagiarism includes copying the work of other students, or the work of published authors and representing it as your own. Please see additional information in Syllabus Part I regarding the University’s
“Academic Integrity” policy.
The consequences for plagiarism are serious, and can include: Zero points for the assignment in question and other possible disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the university.
Davenport University uses the Turnitin plagiarism-detection software. When you submit your weekly assignment papers, they will automatically be processed by the Turnitin system and compared with all material on the Internet, and a huge database of previously submitted student papers, including previous papers submitted for this course.
The Turnitin system generates a score—in the form of a percentage—indicating how much of the material in a paper is an exact match with another source. For instance, a Turnitin score of 25% would indicate that one-quarter of the material in the paper is not the student’s original work.
The Turnitin system also tells your instructor what the sources are for the matches, whether they be other student papers, academic journal articles, a website, etc.
Plagiarism policy: For the purposes of this course, any assignment that exceeds a 20% match in the Turnitin system will not be accepted for credit and will earn a grade of zero. Any assignment that shows a 10% or greater match in the Turnitin system with another single student paper will not be accepted for credit and will earn a grade of zero. Matches for references are excluded from the matches.
If you would like more information about the Turnitin system, use this link: Self-Plagiarism: Also, please be aware that any work you have previously done for another class, either at Davenport or another university may not be submitted as work to satisfy an assignment in this class. This is "self-plagiarism" and as stated in the APA manual, "The core of the new document must constitute an original contribution to knowledge, and only the amount of previously published material necessary to understand that contribution should be included, primarily in the discussion of theory and methodology" (APA Manual, 6th Edition, p. 170). In addition, Davenport University's catalog
expressly prohibits using recycled papers (papers submitted for previous assignment from any school or course).
Again, please let me be clear: If you have taken this course previously but did not complete it, please do the assignments as if they are new to you. Do not use previously written papers. If you have taken any communication course previously, do not submit papers you wrote in those classes. If there is a thought or concept that you previously used and would like to reference in an assignment, please do so but use an in-text citation and reference it in your reference list.
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