MGT 230
June 18, 2013
Yuvonne Richmond
Reflections Week Two
Upon the conclusion of each session, a review of the subject matter covered was individually assessed. A composite reflection of the previous week’s those objectives and how the material presented has impacted each team member is reviewed in this document.
One team member cataloged the experience as interesting. Noting the personal excitement about the acquaintance of new people and the formation of team members destined for academic success. Although the communication challenge was previously experienced with a returning team member, it was remarkable to witness the variations in response to the same exercise. In the repeating of the exercise, there were new approaches to communication revealed. In precedent personnel management experiences, the proper flow of communications was cultured and considered crucial. The sum of reflections reveals a more interesting ingredient than past classes which fosters internal excitement in the anticipation of future sessions.
Another team member was noted to reflect on the first week to be one filled with the excitement of starting a new class and joining a new team. The communication project proved to be fun as well as interesting. A fascinating occurrence took place that validated a thought that two lifelong friends can think alike with little guidance in certain subject matters. The reading material was motivating and provided effective examples. Xerox’s success testament of high quality management and steadfast principles was exemplified during this session.
Another team member adds that week one was very informative and interesting. The primary focus was centered on the steps used in the decision- making process. The decision process consists of three steps. The first and most critical step is framing the problem. The problem is identified, goals are set and the effects of the problem are defined. The second step is making the