1. Critical thinking may be stored for use in future decision making. Examples of mechanisms used to “store” critical thinking for future programmed decisions include
A. a Pareto Chart
B. a Stakeholder Analysis
C. a SWOT Analysis
D. a regression analysis
E. a troubleshooting decision tree
2. When facing a critical decision, a manager should use critical thinking in order to ______ uncertainty
A. eliminate
B. increase
C. reduce
D. randomize
3. Decision tools and techniques influence the use of critical thinking in decision making. According to the decision steps model, what is a proper response when an unstructured problem is presented?
A. Frame alternatives
B. Implement a decision
C. Measure the impact of a decision
D. Frame the problem
E. Make the decision
4. When faced with a decision opportunity, a critical thinker must sort through a variety of readily apparent symptoms in order to focus on important considerations that may be hidden. Based on the decision steps model, when framing a problem a helpful step is to
A. identify the problem
B. determine root causes
C. develop a contingency plan
D. frame alternatives
E. measure the decision
5. When faced with a decision opportunity, a critical thinker must sort through a variety of readily apparent symptoms in order to focus on important considerations that may be hidden. Based on the decision steps model, when framing a problem a helpful step is to
A. develop a contingency plan
B. determine root causes
C. measure the decision
D. frame alternatives
E. evaluate effects of the problem
6. A critical thinker balances effectiveness and efficiency when deciding how to approach a problem. Depending upon the situation, a proper approach may be to do nothing, to use a ready-made solution, or to design a custom made solution. Choosing a