Nursing Care Plan
|Assessment |Diagnosis |Planning |Intervention |Rationale |Evaluation |
| | | | | | |
|Subjective: “nahihirapan siyang |Activity intolerance related to |Within the shift, monitor the |Instruct the patient for bed |To comfort the patient. |STG: |
|huminga as verbalized by the |cardiac dysfunction, changes in |ECG and vital signs every hour |rest with comfort position. | |Within 2hrs of nursing |
|patients companion” |oxygen supply and consumption as|to determine abnormalities. | | |intervention, the client |
| |evidenced by shortness of | |Instructed the patient in |To improve breathing pattern. |tolerated activity without |
|Objective: |breath. |Comfort the patient to normalize|isometric and breathing | |difficulty of breathing and had |
| | |activity level of respiratory |exercise. | |been able to utilize breathing |
|-increase heart rate | |distress. | |To lessen fatigue and weakness. |techniques. |
|-increase blood pressure | | |Assist patient with ambulation | |