Ms. Martinez
English III-7th
4 September 2013 Literary Criticism Of Mice and Men
"Some people seem to believe that the function of literature is to provide vicarious “happy endings,” to provide in words a sugary sweetness we would like to have but cannot always get in real life."
People use books as their own personal comfort, or escape from the realms of the real world. To read about pain, or real life tragedy would be contradicting.
I agree with Scarseth because I believe people deserve the truth, the full truth, that being said, "real life" tragedy is the full truth. Young minded people are presented with readings like Mice Of Men to expand their reading boundaries with "real life" teachings.
"All the characters are complex mixtures of good and bad, or rather of bad results from good intentions."
None of the characters are purely black or white, personality wise, they are not completely good or bad. People do good things, and of course people do bad things as well.
This quote was chosen and agreed with because (Scarseth) was able to understand Steinbeck in a way that many have overlooked. Steinbeck introduced Lennie with the intentions of complexity within the characters. He uses Lennie as the most dominate example of a "good" man that does unacceptable things.
"Given their position in that world, they are not able to achieve much. But they are trying to do the best they can; they are trying to be good people and to have good lives. They have good intentions. They have noble aims."
I agree with Scarseth because of Lennie's condition, this influences George to grow to be a bigger person, or as a caretaker of Lennie. Although they do not own the greater and finer things, for the most part I believe they are trying to do the best they can.
Most people are not always be fortunate enough to succeed as much as