Michael B. Oren helped us to understand the subtleties of how the war progressed and was quickly won. His descriptions of what was taking place from day to day seemed as if he were in the same room with the participants and he showed an enormous amount of research to give this perspective. After such and abject failure by the Muslims, one has to wonder what drove them …show more content…
Michael B. Oren seeks to give a very broad overview of the battles , the conflicts, the political players involved on all sides, the outcomes . He also details in 2002 the political fallout from the 6 day an yom kippur war . Michael B. Oren has apparently written this majesterial and impartial history of the 1967 war. By strange coincidence it more or less absolves the Israelis from starting the war. Apparently they werent even interested in seizing territories it just kinda happened.
The history of the Six Days of War explains so much about what we see in the middle east today, the politics and the alignment of super poweres was crucial to understanding of how the area is aligned today. What was most fascinating was the amount of lies, half lies, innuendo, etc, that the governments involved engaged in. outright lies to their people outright lies to the press. It gave an entirely different perspective on the information spread today through official and unofficial outlets, especially and including the press. What a load of donkey dung they all spread through this conflict. Very eye