This article was informing us on the first, basic information that was gathered about the case. It includes stories from both sides of the case and contradictions of both. Such as, if Brown was actually innocent or not and exactly how many times he was shot. Personally, I’m almost certain that this entire case was taken too far. It seems to me like the races of the victim and the officer have a lot to do with the intensity of the case and what everyone else has to say about it. If races weren’t leaked when the story was, would people’s opinions on it be different? I think so.
Jabbar, Kareem Abdul. “The Coming Race War Won’t Be About Race.” TIME, August 17, 2014. Web.
In this article in the online TIME MAGIZINE, retired African American professional basketball player, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, speaks out with a whole new vision on Michael Brown’s case. He states that the case, along with a few other similar cases, isn’t completely about racism but is also tied into the financial stability of the victims. I completely agree with him on this opinion. Being a person of color is synonymous with being poor, and being poor is synonymous with being a criminal. He also grasped my attention when he brought up the idea of actually battling our enemies instead of our allies. If so many people, of all races, actually want equality among themselves, why fight at each other instead of fighting at the main source of the problem in mass demonstrations, as whole.
Robles, Frances. “Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Struck At Least 6 Times.” The New York Times, August 17, 2014. Web.
Frances Robles, in this article on an autopsy, brings to attention that Michael Brown was shot at least six times. He calls to attention that the bullet wound found on the top of Brown’s head, either indicates that he was charging at the officer with his head down, or that he was