Usually Hollywood portrays the inequities of classes by having the rich class being portrayed as good people and the ragged, poor people as being portrayed the bad people. For the movie “Treasure Island” is a perfect example of that, they had the rich class supposedly “discovering the treasure” and the poor people supposedly “stealing the treasure”. But in Michael Parenti’s interpretation of inequity classes of “Pretty Woman” the rich man was obliviously from the rich class, but he was also not really that good of person because he already had a girlfriend and still managed to scoop up a prostitute for his short business trip, and the prostitute was obviously low class and doing her job, whatever prostitutes do, she was portrayed as bad person as well because she was a prostitute and low class. The two were destined to be together because they both had issues, neither was really pointed out as good or neither was portrayed as bad.
The gender bigotry differences between the two of the characters are very apparent. Parenti describes the male as a handsome dreamboat millionaire corporate raider, a bad capitalist transformed into a good capitalist towards the end of