As many historians know , the “Slave Narrative Collection” was used as a prima-ry source for quite sometime.
The topic of slave resistance is nothing new and has been a topic of discussion for a very long time. Post World War I , U.B. Phillips published a very “paternalistic” view of slave history and portrayed blacks as racially inferior. Ac-companied by this assumption , Phillips also said that their was very little evidence of Black revolts in the United States. Such behavior would be incompatible with his claims against a submissive natured group of people who he categorized as stupid , docile , in-constant , negligent and inept. Until about 1943 , the image of slavery in the South remained unquestioned and universally accepted. In 1943 a book was published challenging all of Phillips paternal-ism theories. Herbery Aptheker’s book “American Negro Slave Revolts testifies the re-bellions. Of the many short comings of slave history, one of the biggest is the inclusion of the participation of slave
Verene Shephered in the “Introduction of Women in Caribbean History” men-tions various reasons for the possible reasons for female exclusion in history. One being historians