Marie A. Spicer
BUS 250
Professor Bandera
March 26, 2012
A Brawl in Mickey 's Backyard Who are the relevant market and nonmarket stakeholders in this situation? And what possible solutions to this dispute do you think might emerge from dialogue between SunCal and its stakeholders? I believe that the market stockholders are the actual stockholder’s themselves, the creditors and employees. Oh and of course the customers I believe fall under this category as well. I think these market stockholders would feel threatened with the housing because they fear it may draw undesirable rift raft and it would make people thing it wasn’t as nice as a place as it once as. This could really damage their business plan of a magical environment. This could mean less business which in turns leads to less income. So that’s where the creditors would feel it in their pockets, and that would not be good at all as they would provide less credit which would in turn hurt Disney. The nonmarket stakeholders are the community itself, they all benefit from the revenue that Disney pulls in. The smaller business would feel the effect in a big way. Which in turn hurts the way taxed are paid and may cause smaller business to fail. I’m sure there are other effects but I’m a little green in this area and a not quite sure if I got my point across. When it gets down to it I think that low income housing is a must for the employees, so they can support their families and actually make a living since their wages are low and the housing is so expensive.
I don’t think there I a solution that will make everyone happy but everyone needs to compromise a little bit and make life a little easier on the people who actually work and make Disney the place it is. What about building the low income housing for the people but instead of it being in the resort area, why not build it right outside the resort area where it is still close enough for
References: Lawrence, A. T. & Weber, J. (2011). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy (13th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.