The way I would define structural adjustment programs is as a program that wanted to establish political reforms to help the domestic economy be more competitive in the global market. As for microcredit it is defined as a non-profit banking system that loans out small amounts of money to the poor that cannot offer up any collateral for a traditional bank loan. The structural adjustment programs were pushed by international lending agencies such as the International Monetary Fund. Microcredit programs were established by Muhammad Yunus in his hometown Bangladesh. It is believed that both of these programs are made to help out these countries but one of them actually ended up doing more damage.
The International Monetary Fund advanced loans to countries only when they could meet certain conditions that in theory would reduce trade barriers and stimulate economic growth. Such conditions were reduced social expenditures, resource extraction, opening of domestic markets to foreign investments. In reality SAPs wanted decreased government intervention in the economy and for an embrace of global free market forces. The results of these reforms for many of the countries actually resulted in them falling deeper into debt without experiencing the satisfaction of economic growth.
When Yunus came across the many impoverished women
Bibliography: Drolet, Julie. "Women, Micro Credit And Empowerment In Cairo, Egypt." International Social Work 54.5 (2011): 629-645. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. Toma, Micheal. “Induced Structural Adjustment Programs and Women in Ecuador” Armstrong Atlantic State University 99.4 (2008). Academic Search Premier.Web.4 Dec.2012.