Sweetpotato is increasingly being recognized in the improvement of food security, health and livelihoods of poor families in SSA. Oloo et al.,(2014) and Duvernay ( 2013 ) pointed out that sweet potato has some good attributes over other root crops which include; its ability to tolerate drought, having low demand on soil nutrient ,having the capability to provide reasonable yields, flexibility in planting and harvesting period ,low inputs requirements like fertilizer and shorter growing period.
Sweetpotato are very nutritious and have good sensory qualities in terms of taste, texture and the flesh colors. The flesh color is responsible for the large amounts of anthocyanin, dietary fiber, folic acid, ascorbic acid, …show more content…
During processing of the OFSP puree, vegetative microorganisms that may be present in the raw materials are destroyed in the application of heat during cooking. However, there may be a high post heating contamination potential by both pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganisms like Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus (Perez-Diaz et al., 2008). The post heating contamination can pose a food safety risk if the puree is not well stored and handled (Shin et al.,