By : -
Rini Bhattacharya
Rashi Dawar
Nehal Mittal
Abhishek Swami
Gaurav Yadav
Sagnik Ghoshal
Micro Small & Medium Enterprise
Index: -
Definition: -
(a) Enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production, processing or preservation of goods as specified below:
i) A micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery [original cost excluding land and building and the items specified by the Ministry of Small Scale Industries vide ii) A small enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery (original cost excluding land and building and the items specified by the Ministry of Small Scale Industries not exceed Rs. 5 crore) iii) A medium enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery
(Original cost excluding land and building and the items specified by the Ministry of Small Scale but does not exceed Rs.10 crore.
(b) Enterprises engaged in providing or rendering of services and whose investment in Equipment (original cost excluding land and building and furniture, fittings and other items) not directly related to the service rendered or as may be notified under the MSMED Act, 2006. These will include small road & water transport operators (owning a fleet of vehicles not exceeding ten vehicles), retail trade (with credit limits not exceeding Rs.10 lakh), small business (whose original cost price of the equipment used for the purpose of business does not exceed Rs.20 lakh) and professional & self employed persons (whose borrowing limits do not exceed Rs.10 lakh of which not more than Rs.2 lakh should be for working capital requirements except in case of professionally qualified medical practitioners setting up of practice in semi-urban and rural areas, the borrowing limits should not exceed Rs.15 lakh with a sub-ceiling of Rs.3 lakh for working capital requirements).
Precisely we might conclude that: -
(i) A micro enterprise is an enterprise where