Microaggressions and racism are like a manual scale.
There is a tipping point where the so called microaggression or the ideas behind it become racism witch would be found at the end of the scale. While the beginning parts are the words or actions that take place with no harmful meaning.
The begging number on the scale are usually only meant to measure babies or small children. Just like the children there are small so called “microaggressions” that people blow out of proportion. From asking someone about themselves to doing your job these microaggressions may anger people.
Imagine your in history class and are learning about immigrants migrating to United States. One person exclaims they came here because “America is a land of opportunity!”. To some that could be considered a Microaggression because even though it's far fetched the person is implying that theres a level playing field for all races and thus if someone hasn't been successful its his or her
Next imagine your on your college grounds for the first time. Knowing no one you think of basic questions to ask people to start conversation. You ask a fellow student “where are you from” in hopes of drumming up conversation so you can know at least one familiar face. This to is considered a Micro aggression. By asking this question you are implying that this person isn't from America.
Finally recognizing someone's color or not recognizing someone's color is labeled a microaggression. Your damned if you do and your damned if you don't.
These simple questions or statements have no intent of hurting anyone but they are frowned upon. Some sociologists have found through research that there is a new culture called “culture of victimhood” stating that “victims of microaggressions are pathologically overly sensitive” (Campbell & Manning, 2014, 2016). People are starting to have a self victimized mentality that makes them more prone to feel like they are being prayed on.