NAME __ Lab Group 2_____
Answer the following questions as you work your way through the lab material typing in your answers. Then submit your finished lab report as a Microsoft Word document. This lab report is worth 100 points towards your final lab grade. Each Q is worth 2 points unless otherwise noted. Also, per the Honor Code, this work must be your own. This is due Mon. 10/8 at 11:59 PM. The theme of this lab is the identification of unknown bacteria and viruses in a lab.
Selective vs. Differential Media
Selective vs. Differential Media
Use the following website to help you answer Q 1 and 2 1. What is a selective medium? What makes the medium selective? Name 2 examples (3 pts.)
A selective medium is a medium that contains antimicrobials, dyes or alcohol that supports the growth of certain organisms, while inhibiting the growth of others. Two examples of selective medium are Mannitol Salt agar and Phenylethyl Alcohol.
2. What is a differential medium? What makes the medium differential? Name 2 examples (3 pts.)
Differential medium is distinguishing microorganisms from one another based on growth characteristics. A medium is differential when you are able to visibly see the differences in growth patterns of organisms. Differential media include blood agar and Eosin Methylene Blue.
Steps Used in Identifying an Unknown Bacterium in a Laboratory
I. In a lab situation you would take you inoculum and perform a streak plate in order to separate out individual cells enough to obtain a pure culture
(see Atlas p. 5)
3. What is the most common streaking method? (2 pts.)
The most common streaking method is the Streak plate method, while the most common streaking technique is the quadrant method. The quadrant method incubates an agar using a four-streak pattern.
4. What is the