Laboratory report №10
Physical factors affecting growth microbes: Temperature, pH and oxygen requirement. Student: Temirlan Aitbekov Lab partner: Kanat Sadykov Instructor: Alessandra Clementi, MD,GP
Lab date: 7/11/14 Due date: 14/11/14 Nazarbayev University
Abstract: This experiment is directed to investigate the various physical factors affecting the growth of microbes: temperature, pH of the extracellular environment and the requirement of atmospheric oxygen. Consequently this experiment consists of three parts: 1st part is about investigating the effect of temperature on microbial growth by varying the temperature range: 4oC, 20oC, 37oC and 60oC; 2nd part is directed to determine the effect of pH on growth of microorganisms by varying the pH ranges: pH3, pH6, pH7, pH9; the last part is about effect of oxygen requirement on growth of microbes, where the microorganisms grow depending on oxygen demand.
Introduction: Microorganisms are classified depending on growth requirements. In this laboratory the microorganisms are divided due to effect of temperature, pH and oxygen demand.
The microorganisms are divided into three groups depending on temperature ranges they live: psychrophiles, mesophiles and thermophiles; inhabiting cold environment with optimal temperature for reproduction below 20oC, living in temperature ranges between 20oC to 45oC and the last growing optimally at temperature above 45oC respectively. The optimal temperature is the temperature that is best condition for growth of microorganisms as the enzymes they contain act most effectively at this temperature.
The second group of microorganisms investigated in this experiment is divided due to effect of pH on microbial growth. They divided to acidophiles(acid-loving) inhabiting the regions with
References: [1]Cappuccino, J., & Sherman, N. (2011). Microbiology: A laboratory manual (9th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. [2]L. Rosso, J R Lobry, S Bajard and J. P Flandoris. 2005. “Conventional method to describe the combined effects of temperature and pH on Mirobial growth” Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Accessed November 20, 2014 [3] Raja Noor Zaliha Add Rahman, Lee Poh Geok, Mahirian Basri, Abu Balar Saleh. “Physical factors affecting the production of organic solvent-tolerant protease by Pseudomonas” Bioresource Technology. 96(4):429-436. Accessed November 20, 2014.