Chiefs are a driving force in the military, with back seat drivers calling the shots. Chiefs with years of experience and knowledge are being undermined and micromanaged. The Chiefs are the backbone of the service, the model of "Ask the Chief" mentality, and visionaries in mentorship. Without a backbone how does your body stand, maintain flexibility, and communicate? If you do not utilize the "Ask the Chief" mentality and get their advice what would the future framework of our service look like? Junior officers and enlisted have been trained to rely on the Chief for mentorship, on the job training, and as a guide on uncertain waters, because of their lack of experience. In the "Elements of Great Managing Book 12," it states that the micromanaging behavior in a company of 10,000 people will lose an average 600,000 dollars a year. Micromanaging is an underlying cause of absenteeism and disengagement in the workplace as compared to engaged workers who will show up early, stay longer and be more productive. Engaged people will have an 18 percent higher productivity level leading to a 12 percent profit increase. In the Coast Guard can we remain effective if people are micromanaged and disengaged? The answer is a …show more content…
There are three examples of mentorship occur in the interaction with the youth, community, and workplace. These examples can be applied to the Coast Guard by thinking of the youth as the junior officers and enlisted, the community as where we conduct our missions and lastly how we train our people for the missions. To be effective mentors Chiefs must practice and implement one on one, peer, and team mentoring because they will one day retired and those they have mentored will carry on their legacy and be leaders of the next