Since Microsoft was established, their primary focus was on operating system and software for inside the computer, but in recent years Microsoft started to shift its strategy in order to gain ground and dominate the desktop software market. The new strategy is to write software for several industries, and expending the number of industries as it succeeds, Microsoft first step was hire business technology professionals who has knowledge of the industries in which Microsoft wants to write software for, Microsoft Business Solutions then tabbed into a network of independent software vendors to write customizable software for small and medium size business, and to write a broad based software for a particular industry, these applications called “ vertical software” and they run on the top of Microsoft operating system, then Microsoft strengthened its opportunities through recruiting partners to create an entire suite of vertical software called “ solution maps of software and services” (O'Brien and Marakas 151) Microsoft strategy is to target what is called “ Dynamic Industries” according to Tami Reller, Microsoft Corporate Vice President of Business Solution Marketing, the five sectors that compromises the Dynamic Industries are, manufacturing, distribution, retail, professional services, and public sector. (Beasty 15) Microsoft sees a huge opportunity in Manufacturing brining people with manufacturing experience to put together develop software that would meet some manufactures needs, Microsoft has a solid ground in the retail industry, approximately 70 percent of the computers In the retail industry are running on a Microsoft operating system, Microsoft recently launched a program called “ Smarter Retailing: that improves shopping experience by using fingerprint instead of credit card swipe (O'Brien and Marakas 152).
In addition to business solutions software, Microsoft makes software