The Problem
Rivalry between Apple and Microsoft has existed for a long time. While Microsoft dominates the market by providing an operating system to nine tenths of the number of users (Net Applications, 2011), Apple 's products bring an alternative to the consumers ' experience. Moreover, given Apple 's steady growth in the last years (Yahoo Finance, 2011) the competition is still ongoing and fierce, as some PC users (sustained mostly by Microsoft) are switching to a Mac (offered by Apple).
According to Morgenthaler (2008), "[b]y failing to modernize its operating system in a timely way, Microsoft has left its flank wide open for an all-out assault from a once vanquished rival". Microsoft 's Vista operating system, released in 2007, was plagued by problems and bad press. For its competitors, this meant an opportunity that especially Apple seized upon (Madway, 2009, p. 1). Nevertheless, there is no current consensus about future trends. Apple recently passed Microsoft in its market value (Etherington, 2010). However, Microsoft 's response to is was calm and promised to take the position back, referring to major growth in India in the coming years (Windows Club, 2010).
Statement of the Problem This report regards a particular instance of the Microsoft-Apple competition.The aim of the analysis is to point out whose company is the best today.
Therefore, two main questions are sought to be answered:
1. Who’s company is more popular the Microsoft or the Apple?
2. Which is the best between the two company?
Scope and Limitation This study focused on the rivalry of two tech giant. It is limited only among first year IT students of NEUST and will be conducted in the second semester of the current school year. The selected 100 students were involved as respondents in this study.
Research Paradigm Input Process