ECE Master’s Program
|Name: | |
|Diane Adams | |
|Assignment Title: Microsystem Case | |
|Study | |
|Date of Submission: | |
| |October 28, 2012 |
|Assignment Due Date: | |
|October 28,2012 | |
|Course: | |
|5430: Children, Families, and Society| |
|Course Instructor: Kate Green | |
Please Complete the Checklist for Each Assignment by putting an X in each box
I have included/completed:
| |Yes |No (explain why) |
|This cover page | x | |
|Introduction |x | |
Citations: Diane M. Adams October 28, 2012 Chen, W., & Gregory, A. (2009). Parental Involvement as a Protective Factor During the Transition to High School. Journal of Educational Research, 103(1), 53-62. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier data base. Weiss, H., Kreider, H., Lopez, M., & Chatman, C. (Ed.). (2005). Preparing educators to involve families, from theory to practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.