Special thanks are addressed to all the team members who participated and contributed to the consultation meeting and have made this assignment possible.
Last but not the least; we would like to express our deepest thankful appreciation to our lecturer who has been providing with guidance, logistic support and modalities to conduct surveys, and the possible extended delays to complete our project. She, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped us a lot into coordinating our “MID” research works.
Abstract & Background
The aim of the research is to study the relevancy of the “MID” concept in the tourism sector. It provides essential knowledge relating tosustainable developments and its implications in tourism and demonstrates how they fit together in the shaping of the Mauritian tourism industry.
Background: Mauritius and the MID project
Further to its ongoing development, in 2008, the Prime Minister, Dr. the Honorable NavinchandraRamgoolam announced his vision of making Mauritius a Sustainable Island – “Maurice Ile Durable” (MID).
The main objective of the Maurice Ile Durable concept is to make Mauritius a world model of sustainable development, particularly in the context of SIDS (Small Island Developing States). While the initial thrust was to minimize our dependency on fossil fuels through increased utilization of renewable energy and a more efficient use of energy in general, the concept soon widened to include all aspects of the economic model, society and the environment that are considered to be pivotal in the quest for a sustainable Mauritius.
The MID concept includes a participatory approach towards elaborating a strategy for sustainable development aiming to take on board the whole society in the implementation of this ambitious project. “The Maurice Ile Durable project belongs not to its concepts or to Government but to the whole Mauritian nation. It
References: : [Photo ref: http://www.caudan.com/en/ArtsSouvenirsCrafts_Le-Craft-Market_4_details.aspx] [Photo referencing: http://www.cieletnature.com/domaine-de-letoile/index.html] Source: http://www.greendiary.com/category/environment Source: http://www.greendiary.com/category/environment Source: http://www.greendiary.com/why-should-solar-companies-fail-2.html Source: http://www.defimedia.info Source: www.gov.mu/portal/sites/mid/aboutMID.html Source: www.mid.mu