After I graduate Ashford University and obtain my bachelors in sociology I will be pursuing a teaching career at Teachers for America. This class has introduced lots of information that is definitely going to be useful in my teaching career. Understanding the nature of families and children and how they relate to society is very important as an educator. Being part of a child’s socialization is something that should be taken serious as the different agents shape the child’s behavior, morals, value, and other important attributes. Teachers, just as other socialization agents can help many aspects of a child’s life or it harm them. Families have their own set of customs, beliefs, values, morals, and these things are passed on their children. Through out our textbook we can see how this can become a problem when the child starts to associate with people that are not part of his or her family. Society sometimes imposes certain things that children sometimes do not understand. For example, when both parents raise a child and their values are different from that of the society in which they live in, people that are not part of their circle may misinterpret the child’s actions. In the child’s eyes, their actions are normal but to others this action might be something that is frowned upon in that particular society.…
Children’s Development is a social and cultural as well as a biological process. This is important because as societies become not only culturally diverse but also interconnected, psychological theories are required that fully acknowledge the influence of social context, both within & across cultures.…
Rigid and divisive views from adults can be reflected in a child’s choice of language and expressed beliefs about groups in society. Children soak up all information given to them and to atmospheres and climates surrounding them. The school must make sure that the children are surrounded with positive messages about their peers and their own importance in society.…
According to Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory, social relationships and interactions influence a child’s development. Children are in constant contact with parents, teachers, peers and relatives, Vygotsky believed that these relationships are the foundations of a child’s learning. A parent and teacher’s relationship with the child is important as they read to them, explain points and hold conversations. Peers are also important as they encourage a child’s conversations and discussions. However it is the socio-cultural theory diagram that best represents the relationship between the child, the teacher, the parent, the curriculum and the environment.(SCU, 2011) Everything is connected and is working collaboratively together. The child has access to all these influences, not only does the child have a relationship with the teacher but the teacher also has a relationship with the curriculum, and vice versa. This is very important as the teacher needs to have these relationships to become better understanding and more knowledgeable. Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development and Kohlberg’s stages of moral development also explain that a child gradually…
That compares their literacy knowledge to that of children who do not live in poverty. Understanding social class diversity enhances the learning of all students. And Class differences in child-rearing practices may sound alarming or oversimplified. Lower-class children are more likely to have unstable family situations. Their parents typically have low-wage jobs and are more frequently laid off, causing family stress and more arbitrary discipline. This paper explains how language and attitudes of low income families act as barriers to success in education. And what types of programs or interventions are most useful in overcoming those barriers.…
Discuss socioemotional development in early childhood and the growing importance of the surrounding environment context:…
Investigate the two issues you chose in the above question. Use this chart to take notes as you research. Use the library, Internet, family and friends, and trusted community members. Talk to at least three trusted adults about the issues you research. These people may suggest good ideas and websites for information. One example would be your city or county government website. Be sure to note where you find information in your chart.…
For my service learning project I interviewed a lay minister in the Mormon Church. Brett Anderson is a Deacon in…
Eric Jensen, the author of the book Teaching with Poverty states that, “Some teachers may interpret students’ emotional and social deficits as a lack of respect or manners, but it is more accurate and helpful to understand that the students come to school with a narrower range of appropriate emotional responses than we expect.” Sometimes as teachers, we do not know what a student goes through at home that affects their behavior and emotions. Because of the issues going on at home children are impacted emotionally and psychologically, which has prevented them from learning. The things they learn in school don’t stick with them because they are not focused on what is going on in the…
For the service learning project in this class we participated in a health fair serving the underprivileged population. We completed this project with the , who graciously allowed us to participate in one of their weekly food drive events.…
There is no question that my Service-Learning is going to be beneficial to my future and my career, as it is intended to do. However, at times it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly how it will affect my future. By preparing for my St. Ambrose visits through rehearsals and the singing of secular music, it is becoming more apparent that this experience is going to be beneficial to my future endeavors, especially ones involved in teaching and performing, by increasing my people skills and helping me to become more comfortable in showcasing what I know to all types of audiences.…
In a society where individuals are interconnected like never before through the use of social media, it is still all too easy to forget about others who struggle every day from the impact of bullying. People, most often school-aged students, suffer in silence as they are relentlessly tormented, with seemingly no helping hand in sight. This issue, which is all too common in educational settings, was what I chose to focus on throughout my service learning experience in both my observations and my activities. Bullying in any of its forms, whether it be sexual harassment, cyberbullying, or its “traditional” manifestation of generalized harassment, relates directly to the topic of health and one’s physical and mental wellbeing. The impacts of bullying…
Reflective practice includes seeing learning as an iterative process. The significance of reflecting on that process has been termed ‘action science’. The process of learning is perceived as a complex social activity that cannot be reduced to simplistic thinking. Reflection plays an integral role both in the action and learning from the action. The reflection proposed here involves an openness that needs teachers to challenge their own assumptions and continue to improve their skills. It includes articulating what is normally unsaid and facing up to the distinction that exists among espoused theories and theories in use. It is a reflection that requires the explicit documenting of the shifting understanding of the learning experience, not just…
The first week lesson was focused on the historical development of the Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) role and evidence-based practice from the perspective of various philosophical and theoretical foundations. In which I have learned about various roles and responsibilities of APN. As the scope of practice for APN is vary from state, I have explored the role and scope of practice of Nurse Practitioner (NP) in Texas. The second week lesson was focused on the complexity theory and selected skills, understandings, and integrative abilities of the APN and specialty nurse practitioner practice. In which I have learned about the APN’s leadership role in healthcare policy to facilitate best practices for diverse populations. It is important for APN…
The course concept that I’ve been thinking most about is Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development. The four stages, including sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational, are very interesting to me. Sensorimotor is the infant stage, from birth to 2 years old, and preoperational is about 2 to 7. Concrete operational follows from 7 to 12 while formal operational is 12 to adulthood.…